
The Money Pit

Yesterday was a huge day for me. A huge day for Justin as well. A huge day because yesterday for the first time in both of our lives we became home owners! Yes, we bought that house that we had been looking at for awhile and decided that we wanted to make this our first house together.

We are extremely excited about moving in to the home and have already made a decision on our first two projects: refinishing the hardwood floors in the home so they are a really deep, rich, dark brown color and building the bar of our dreams (a sports/baseball themed bar of course) in the basement.

So as of November 1 we will finally be settled which is something that both of us feel like we have never had. He has felt like ever since he was 16 he hasn't had a place to call home. We talk about it all the time and it makes me so happy to think that I could do this for him. And in the same token without him I wouldn't have stayed here in Detroit to buy this house. Trust me when I tell you I would have taken the job out in Boston that I was offered.

But here we are at a good place. A new place. And I am excited.


Anonymous said...

That's so exciting, Michelle! Being a homeowner is great...However, Matt and I were just commenting the other day how a lot of our money now goes to Lowe's!!

jaynar said...

Looks super cute!!! Can't wait to see what it looks like after you move in!