
Week from Hell

So this very well could be the week from hell. It is really such a shame because I was excited about this week. I was excited that I have been really focused lately on Justin and I. Not our relationship in the traditional sense of things but about our future...careers, moving, money, etc. It has taken away a lot of the resentment I was starting to feel.

Then came Tuesday...

On Tuesday morning I received this wonderful email from Justin's supposed best friend: (bold is my own commentary on the subject)

Well, Michelle, I am sorry that it had to come to this. I have to write you an e-mail because you will not return anyone's phone calls and I don't know if Justin even gets the message. (He has called us once since the first week in February but whatever!) So I am writing this to get everything off my chest. I think this grudge you are holding is ridiculous. Brittany and I were and still are willing to forgive you for all those nasty things you said about us when you were talking to Lyzz before new years. (What? The things that I said that were true about them...like they can't do anything unless it is their way, that they have both been nothing but rude to me and make me feel uncomfortable...I said them on purpose because they were true!) We were standing right there and heard everything that was said. (No shit! Why do you think I said them?) Then when Brittany tried to talk to you about it you denied everything. (The bitch pinned me in my bathroom, at my house, at 2:00am on New Years Eve, when she was not welcome in my home in the first place, to talk about how she has no friends in Detroit and we were going to raise our kids together or whatever she was blabbing about! Seriously we aren't in college anymore and I was never the girl who had conversations in the bathrooms when I was there!) We don't even care about that though. (If you don't then why are you bringing it up?) It is water under the bridge. All I really care about is my best friend, Justin. It is kind of sad that I saw more of him when he was living with his mom in Oxford and when I was living in Chicago. Now, when we live within walking distance of each other, I have seen him about three times in the last six months. It sucks that someone that I was considering for my best man will not even call me back now. Why is that? What has changed? We have not. (You're so right...It is me the heartless bitch that has changed everything!) Justin, Britt and I have all been together since juniors in college and now somehow Justin doesn't like us anymore? (Yes precisely! He has grown up and you haven't! Black jokes, and drinking at Mike's house every weekend...not cool anymore!) I find that hard to believe. If there is something else going on let us know. I have talked to a lot of the other guys and they are feeling the same way. (One other guy does not constitute "a lot" by the way!) I do not want to lose a friend, my best friend, because of a stupid new years eve party. Please have Justin call me. I would really like to sit down and talk to him somewhere. We really need to see if we can figure this out now before it is too late.

So I of course replied to the email as such:

Justin actually controls my cell phone. He has it in his possession at all times and I rarely use it. He has received all of your voicemail messages and has actively chosen not to respond to them.

This is something that needs to be settled by the two of you. I have nothing to do with his decision to not call you back.

The two of us have made an active decision not to hang out with anyone for the past couple of weeks because putting together Justin's books for his business, getting his taxes finished, and finding a loft downtown have been bigger priorities for us. I don't feel that either of us need to justify that decision to anyone.

And then got this back:

I think you missed the point of the letter. (I didn't miss the point, trust me on that one!) It was not an attack on you or asking you to justify anything. (Yes it was! Don't try to back out of your accusation now!) We are all busy but still have time to at least call people back. (Don't you get the hint when someone doesn't!) And I only wrote you because I know you check your e-mail and I don't think he does. (My ass that is the only reason you wrote it to me!) You do not have to be so defensive. I am trying to make peace. (Peace...like George Bush makes Peace?)

I honestly can not think of anything funnier and more immature than this email. I was sort of reminded of those days back in high school where shit like this happened. And then to top it all off all that kept going through my head was a comment that my friend Jocelyn once made when I lived in DC "E-mail is not a valid form of communication."

What a fucking copout! I don't understand why he wasn't willing to just say it to my face, in front of Justin for that matter, that he feels I am the reason that Justin doesn't talk to him anymore. (No sarcastic undertone there!) I mean it is obvious in the email that is what he was implying and to try and cover it up with "I was just trying to get in touch with him" in the second email was bullshit! Does he think I am stupid and wouldn't pick up on it? Honestly!

And speaking of honesty...my shady boss that I have told you all the wonderful stories about (Like he tells me he knows the President or he charged his roof on the company credit card...yes, we are a non-profit) tried to accuse me of lying to him about coming in for two hours one weekend about a month ago. This just happened about an hour ago. Is he being serious? I told him that I didn't need to be accused of lying and that I was leaving the room. Which I did and I have been sitting in my office with the door closed for the last hour and plan to finish the rest of the day like that.

What a wonderful week, huh? And to think I am still optimistic about things to come. I just wish sometimes that I could go back to the east coast and move into the loft of my dreams with Justin and our dog. I know that I would be so much happier out there with other fun, young people and not stuck in Detroit with a crazy boss and the best friend from hell! ARRRGGGGHHHH!


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