
Girls, Girls, Girls

I don't know about the other women out there in cyberspace but I can sometimes use it to find out information that I quite frankly just don't want to see.

For example, I knew of this girl that Justin had a relationship with at one point and being the sneaky little online bitch that I am when I went to view his myspace.com page I found her on there as one of this friends. So I of course read her page and realized two things:

1) Both of us love Gore Vidal and graduated with Political Science degrees.

2) I hate knowing who the other women are.

It has left me with a bad taste in my mouth ever since I knew it was her. Could it be that I know they had some sexual past? Could it be that I think he might have wanted to be with her more than me? Could it be that we as women, always make it out to seem that no one can want to be with us.

I am definitely decision C. I think I just can't believe that Justin would have picked me, the non-snowboarder, Franklin Planner carrying, political person that I am. When will I realize that he likes that person, just plain me. As a matter of fact, he loves her. And then it is realizing that THAT girl, the one who is only on a website, has nothing on the one who shares his life with him.

I am still waiting for that day...


jaynar said...

As evil as this sounds...these are the posts I like from you. The ones that look at the relationship with a critical eye and show your insecurities. Yes, it is evil, but I'm glad I'm not alone in how I feel. And thanks for reminding me that nothing in relationships is easy.

As far as the girl...it's so hard to know something and believe it. I hope that believing does come eventually...for both of us.

Michelle said...

I had a good session at therapy yesterday discussing that I have to really learn how to love myself or this cycle is just going to continue to repeat.