
Hey, Hey Hockey's Back

Tonight I am going to be venturing off to my first Hockey game in almost a year and a half. I have to say if you are a Detroiter you love hockey. You eat, sleep and breathe it. It is a way of life around here, but ever since our early departure in the 2004 Playoffs, the Detroit Pistons 2004 Championship and a year of no hockey, "Hey, Hey Hockeytown!" has become "Who gives a shit town!"

I know because I am one of those folks. I am more excited about tomorrow's pending Missouri v. Nebraska college football matchup (Go Tigers!) than I am about going to a hockey game in the Mayor's suite tonight. I just don't care anymore. I have changed myself from a diehard hockey fan to a person who is going for the jumbo beers and the bus ride from the Ole Shillehgh.

But how can you care? These players and owners haven't given you a chance to care because they decided it was better for them and their bottom line to be locked out last year than about what the fan, who pays an average of $45.00 a game on just a ticket, has to say about it.

Professional sports bends all of us over time after time but we love it so much we just keep coming back. So this is my pledge to stick it to the man for the rest of the hockey season...I will not purchase a ticket. I will only go if someone offers the tickets to me free of charge. I will not purchase merchandise or concessions while there. If someone else offers me a beer I will drink it glady. (Disclaimer: I should be intoxicated before I arrive at the Joe tonight) And last but not least I will not wear my Red Wings jersey and or shirts unless I am going to a game.

This might not seem like anything but I have to start somewhere. I mean the money I shell out on Detroit sports teams is crazy. And when is the last time one have them has done anything good for me. (Ok, 2002 Stanley Cup. Ok, 2004 Pistons Championship. Ok, 2005 NBA Finals. Ok, Ok, I get it some have done something.)


JTL said...

This sounds like a very random, very bizarre question, but I wouldn't imagine there would be too many die-hard Red Sox fans in Motown. Hence a roll of the dice.

Did you by chance attend all three Sox-Tigers games at Comerica this summer, wearing a Sox jersey, attend the last game of the series with a friend of yours who is an English teacher, and for that game park right behind a guy and his dad on a sidestreet just off Woodward?

If so... wow, small world.

If not... carry on. :)

jaynar said...

So, that's why I don't like professional sports except baseball. And even that bugs the crap out of me at times.

But MU/Nebraska today? Great, huh? First watch party out here. It was worth the drive to the OC. But a 9:30 kickoff (LA time) does not make for a happy Jayna the rest of the day.

Michelle said...

I was at all six games this summer and yes I did wear my Red Sox jersey. I don't believe though that I brough a friend that taught English.


Michelle said...

9:30am....That blows! What a great game though!