
The New Mrs. Richman (barf)

This past weekend, on September 11th actually, my boyfriend's brother proposed to his girlfriend. I am sure that not many of you think there is a problem with this at all. Did I mention that they are 20? Yeah, they can't even legally drink at their own wedding at this point.

Of course being the totally non opinionated person that I am I was totally pissed when I heard the news. Not only do I think they are ridiculous and way out of touch with reality but I really don't like her and if I am even considering possibly becoming a member of this family I really don't feel like seeing her at Christmas dinner....And here is why:

First of all, she is from the South. Now you all know my strong distaste for those located below the Mason-Dixon line. She is the kind of girl who went to college for a semester to meet her future husband. You know the MRS degree. We all know the type...they were all over Mizzou too. Well she totally suckered Aaron (his brother) in and I think part of it is because he really wants to devoid himself from everything else that is going on in their family right now.

Second reason is she somehow plans to plan a wedding and move up here to Michigan within this year. She has no college education, currently works at Best Buy and thinks they are going to be able to afford a house to live in, pay Aaron's college tuition (yeah he is still in school) and afford groceries, etc. They are nuts. Right now Justin and I are figuring out our budget for the house we are about to move into and it is going to cost us our two combined salaries in order to make it out there. This isn't North Carolina sweetie it is the North...cost of living is double up here!

The next reason directly relates to the reason above. The sad part about them is that they are totally out of touch with reality and when they realize that they have put themselves into a total financial hole and Aaron has to stop going to school (because we all know it is going to happen) so he can make some money to support them guess who is going to have to hire him? You got it, Justin! Which just makes me so mad. I know we are going to end up being that couple in this family. The successful ones who have their own house, an education and money because we didn't rush into anything too soon (including kids which I don't even want to get into when it comes to them.) I just don't want to have to support them in the long run because they made this retarded decision.

Last but not least, ever since I came into the picture with Justin I think she is extremely jealous. I mean granted she doesn't really have a personality and is totally bitchy and I am outgoing and not immature and 20, I don't understand though why she felt that there was a competion between us. I was nothing but nice to her when she came up here for the first time since I met Justin. I love Aaron to death and he has always been nice to me so I wanted to return the favor. But from day one she was upset when his 11 and 9 year old brothers paid more attention to me, or when I knew more about sports and would talk with Justin and Aaron. I really feel she wanted to be the first of the brothers to be engaged so that she would have something to one up me on. I wanted to be like sister I will have three times the size of your ring, four times the wedding, and seventeen times the marriage so don't mess with me. I mean everyone knows she picked the wrong person to compete with my friend. I just find it a little ironic that she was going to surprise Aaron this weekend by flying up here to Detroit for their one year anniversary (yes they have only been dating for a year) and accidently spilled it to him. Then out of no where they get engaged...hmmm...interesting...I am just the new Sherlock Holmes over here!

I think across the board both Justin and I feel like this is a huge mistake for him. I mean I really can't see Justin and I's kids wanting to go over to that house and play if they are anything like the two of us. She is just not fun or cool which is really just a same! But if we are going to be family in the future I guess there is nothing I can do about it....Oh except go to my mom's house on Christmas!


jaynar said...

why do people insist on getting married so young?

Oh wait . . . she's from the South.

Anonymous said...

dude... i could make many comments, but should probably refrain. we'll save it for a later phone convo.