
Angelina Jolie Saves The World

I must be in a serious political mode this week because that seems to be all I can blog about.

It was brought to my attention for the millionth time this past week that sometimes we, as Americans, living in the richest country in the world, just overlook the severe problems that are facing our world until someone has to pull our teeth in order to open our eyes to them.

That someone that got to me this past week was amazingly Angelina Jolie. Yeah, the Brad Pitt stealing, Maddox's mommy, botox lipped, actress who I have made fun of all the time not only because I think she is a horrible actress and just don't find her attractive but because I thought she was just one of those celebrities pretending to give a damn.

Pretending is not something that Ms. Jolie does when it comes to her other job as Humanitarian and UNICEF Ambassador. She not only gives a damn but will do anything in her power or fame to open our eyes to the larger problems facing our world.

Yesterday on MTV Ms. Jolie aired her diary (You think you know but you have no idea!) about her trip to Africa with Dr. Jeffery Sachs. It has to be one of the most interesting MTV programs I have ever watched. I was not only intrigued and could have watched another hour of the show but instead it made me want to go out there and do something about the crisis facing Africa and many other impoverished nations.

While the world leaders are here in the United States discussing poverty and the millennium goals of the United Nations, it needs to be our job as citizens of the world to continue to push our leaders here at home to provide the funding necessary to allow every child across the world at least a meal a day. I know that the economy sucks (I am the one without a job here!) but to think that cutting back by not purchasing one CD or DVD a month you could be giving a child a meal...how can we be so selfish?

During the MTV program, Ms. Jolie pointed out how one mid-day meal has increased enrollment and retention in one African school because the parents know that they can not turn that meal down for their children. Get a meal and maybe an education! How awesome is it that something that simple could help shape the lives of so many children? One of those children might just be the one who solves the African AIDS crisis and it all happens because of one meal.

It is our turn as the future leaders of this country to get off our Gen X,Y,Z (whatever you are) asses and become citizens of the world before it is too late. We don't have to put up with our government taking away our freedoms just because they say it is important to the security of our country. (Yeah my email about making out at the bar last night has a lot to do with terrorism!) We don't have to put up with Corporate America and their raping of the world. (Seriously shopping at Wal-Mart not good!) We don't have to put up with people who think that women, minorities, gays or other people are second class citizens because it threatens their place at the trough. (We still out number them!) We don't have to put up with it any longer...It is our job right here, right now to go out there and make that small but incredibly significant difference in this world!

If we don't who ever will?

1 comment:

jaynar said...

My sister thinks she's a homewrecker. I don't think she's a good actress. But I have praised her before for her humanitarian efforts, as well . . .