
Eighth Grade and Beyond...

So last night while laying in bed watching the 900 channels that I now receive on my DirecTV, Mr. Zsa Zsa Zu himself and I were talking about the first times we had sex. I know, I know strange topic but interestingly it turned out to be a revelation that I was not expecting at all. I know he had told me that he had sex for the first time when he was 15 but not that it was in eighth grade. Now I can't quite figure out why that freaks me out so much or why I felt like I was sleeping next to some sort of child molester last night but honestly eighth grade?

To me, my middle school years were filled with cheerleading at boy's basketball games, watching Roots in American History class, riding my bike to the mall and roller skating parties....Not sex! After learning about his "early" arrival into manhood, I began thinking about if I had even seen a penis by that point in time in my life. I think in eighth grade I thought it was totally a big deal because I had kissed a boy and we were "going" together.

And then after thinking about it a bit more I realized how incredibly judgmental of me to think that something was strange about his sexual past because he had gotten laid in grade school...I mean I have probably doubled his partner number due to all the wonderful years I spent on the east coast and over seas. I can't even remember the names of half of those people and he hasn't judged me on that. Why am I being so judgmental about this?

So that gets me to thinking, how does a person's sexual past really effect a new relationship? Can we really get over the number, the people, what happened between them? Why do we feel we need to measure up to someone we don't even know, who we have never met, who doesn't even matter to that person anymore?

And why did his eighth grade adventure make me feel so inadequate as his current partner?

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